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  • Day 6

    Dezember 06, 2022 1 min lesen. 2 Kommentare

    Welcome to Day 6 - and the one time we're doing a discount code in the Winter Celebration!

    Winter Celebration Discount Code

    For one day only, you're getting 20% off our entire webshop. That includes yarn, notions, our books and magazine, and the first payment on our annual subscription.

    To get 20% off, simply enter the code 'WINTERCELEBRATION2022' at check out. 

    I hope you find something you love!

    Today's Winter Celebration Box gift is a lovely one made by a small business located here in Berlin. I discovered Paper & Tea over 10 years ago, when I first spent a summer here in the city, interning at a long-gone start-up, and lived in a one-bedroom shared apartment just around the corner from their then flagship store. Their tea blends are exquisite, and I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did window-shopping their store back then!

    2 Antworten

    Hanna Lisa
    Hanna Lisa

    Dezember 08, 2022

    Dear Leslie, ohhh, thank you so, so much – it means a lot to me to know that I’ve made your days a little brighter!! Hanna Lisa x


    Dezember 06, 2022

    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your emails in general, but these special ones in particular, here in Canada. Due to the time difference I receive these in the late evening and I look forward to them each night. The last few days have been a lot of very early mornings to work and late returns home. I have usually received these messages even before I have been able to hit the sheets and I make sure to open them before closing my eyes.
    You are very generous to take the time to curate, prepare, and send these out to the world. I just wanted to let you know how appreciated these are and to thank you so much.
    All my best to you and your family,

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