Nachhaltigkeit steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns – egal, ob es darum geht, neue Garne für euch auszuwählen, recycelbare Verpackungen zu finden oder Menschen fair zu bezahlen.
Manchmal ist es wirklich nützlich, alle Muster aus einer Strickpublikation auf einen Blick zu sehen.
Deshalb haben wir für die Ausgabe 12 einen Blog-Beitrag mit den wichtigsten Informationen zu jedem Strickmuster und ein paar Fotos zu jedem Design veröffentlicht - perfekt, um das nächste Strickprojekt zu planen, schnell die Maschenprobe zu überprüfen oder zu entscheiden, ob die Ausgabe 12 etwas für dich ist!
Das Making Stories Collective ist eine monatliche Mitgliedschaft mit tollen Vorteilen. Frühzeitiger Zugang zu Shop Updates, unser monatlicher virtueller Stricktreff, und ein Collective-Discount Code warten auf dich.
Alle zwei Wochen sitzt Hanna Lisa vor der Kamera, um über alles rund ums Stricken zu plaudern – was sie auf den Nadeln hat, was in den Laden kommt und was in der Welt von Making Stories los ist.
Hi lovelies! I am back today with a wonderful behind-the-scenes interview with Caroline Frett, a super talented illustrator from Berlin, who is the heart and and hands behind the new look we've been sporting for a little while.
Caro also has a shop for her delightfully cheeky and (sometimes brutally) honest T-Shirts, postcards, and mugs. (I am particularly fond of this T-Shirt and this postcard!)
I am so excited Caro agreed to an interview to share her thoughts and work process, and what she especially loves about our rebrand!
About three weeks ago, I had surgery. Nothing major, and it was planned - but it was my first time undergoing general anaesthesia and facing an uncertain recovery period, both of which made me quite nervous. I knew that I was going to be in the hospital for two days, if everything went well, but then it was between one and three weeks of recovering at home, depending on how fast my body was going to heal.
Needless to say, I packed knitting for the hospital, but I didn’t feel like picking up my needles until my second day in the hospital. And then I knit. I knit, and knit, and knit. Curiously enough, I always get the urge to clear off my needles this time of the year - something about the weather changing, sweater season approaching, maybe? And this year, this urge coincided with me wanting to do something while watching copious amounts of Netflix without having to think very hard about what I was going to knit. Win win!