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  • Day 5

    Dezember 05, 2022 1 min lesen. 2 Kommentare

    We're halfway through this year's Winter Celebration (it always goes so fast!) and what better way to celebrate that than with a cookie baking session? One of my all-time favorite traditions we have here in our little family household is our annual cookie baking extravaganza. Every year (well, every year pre-pandemic) we host a gathering of friends, everyone brings their favorite cookie recipe and ingredients, and we make (and eat) lots and lots and lots of cookies.

    Now, with a toddler under the roof, I'm more often than not gravitating towards simple butter cookies - they're easy to make, and it's fun for everyone to cut them out with their favorite cookie cutter shape and then decorate them after baking.

    Here's my favorite butter cookie recipe for you!

    Butter Cookie Recipe
    Now, today's gift to you will come as not such a big surprise to anyone who has already opened their Winter Celebration Box gift :) I adore these sweet sweater-shaped cookie cutters! I first saw them in Clara - Studio C Yarn's - Etsy Shop in the summer, and I immediately messaged her to see if we could include them. She was over the moon, and even offered to do a custom burgundy color for us! YAY!

    2 Antworten

    Hanna Lisa
    Hanna Lisa

    Dezember 08, 2022

    Yay, I can’t wait to hear what you think, Pauline!

    Pauline Morrow
    Pauline Morrow

    Dezember 06, 2022

    Looking forward to making these next weekend :-)

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