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Wir schenken dir die Versandkosten ab einem Bestellwert von €75 (Deutschland) | €125 (international)!
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du für dein nächstes Projekt brauchst - und für das übernächste... Auf eine Garderobe aus Strickwaren, die wir lieben und die wir jahrelang tragen wollen!
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du für dein nächstes Projekt brauchst - und für das übernächste... Auf eine Garderobe aus Strickwaren, die wir lieben und die wir jahrelang tragen wollen!
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September 30, 2023 2 min lesen.
Happy Socktober, lovelies!! If you've been following us even for a little while, you've probably noticed that I absolutely love knitting socks.
They're the perfect portable project, great for trying out new techniques or stitch patterns, and just so, so rewarding. There's just nothing like the feeling of opening your sock drawer on a cold fall morning, picking out the pair of hand-knit socks that calls to you, and walking around with cozy, warm toes all day long.
I couldn't resist putting together a short, sweet list of 3 sock patterns I'm loving right now to kickstart this month – one makes for excellent TV-knitting, the second one is a bit more complex, and the last one is one that I've been wanting to knit for years!
I love Denise DeSantis' Instagram, and I've bookmarked her sock patterns for the perfect occasion: For when we'd have a self-striping yarn! In her Soxploration Socks, Denise combines a soothing stockinette sock with a heel that doesn't distort the stripes, which in my book is a must-have if you're knitting with self-striping yarn.
I'd pair this pattern with one of the woolmatters self-striping sock yarn sets we're carrying, and as I already have a pair in Fall Dreams on the needles, I'd go for Sock Disco! You'd need one sock set for a full pair, and you'd likely have a bit left over for a second pair (shorty socks maybe?)
Jenny Ansah (whom you might know as Kotikotoni) creates such beautiful, intricate patterns! She has such a gift for combining textures, and her Vuosaari Socks are no exception. Knit from the toe up, they feature a combination of striking cables which I think would be so, so fun to knit up.
I think they would work really well in Schoppelwolle's AlbLino. I am partial to the Old Love colorway as it's like a ray of sunshine on a grey winter day, and it would show off the cables beautifully! You'd need one ball of AlbLino for any of the sizes.
Ever since we published our digital Socks collection in 2018, I've been wanting to knit Keiko Kikuno's Provenance Socks. They're such a great combination of texture: ribbing for the foot, and a seashell-inspired pattern for the leg.
I think they would look wonderful in Wool & Palette's Fingering in the colorway Living Coral: The light color would show the different textures off really well, and the stitch definition of that yarn is unparalleled! You'd need one skein of it for any of the sizes.
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Februar 12, 2025 13 min lesen.
Hi lovelies! The sun is out here in Berlin, and what better day to talk about one of the most joyful issues we've ever done than a brilliant sunny winter day – meet Issue 13, Confetti & Rainbows!
In Issue 13 – our Spring 2025 Issue – we want to play! Confetti and rainbows, unusually and unconventionally interpreted in 12 new knitwear designs – a journey through color, shapes, texture and materials.
Confetti made out of dried flowers, collected over months from bouquets and the road side. Sparkly rainbows, light reflecting. Gentle textures and shapes, echoing the different forms confetti can take. An unexpected rainbow around the corner, on a brick wall, painted in broad strokes.
Januar 16, 2025 4 min lesen. 1 Kommentar
Hi lovelies! I am back today with a wonderful behind-the-scenes interview with Caroline Frett, a super talented illustrator from Berlin, who is the heart and and hands behind the new look we've been sporting for a little while.
Caro also has a shop for her delightfully cheeky and (sometimes brutally) honest T-Shirts, postcards, and mugs. (I am particularly fond of this T-Shirt and this postcard!)
I am so excited Caro agreed to an interview to share her thoughts and work process, and what she especially loves about our rebrand!
November 19, 2024 12 min lesen. 1 Kommentar
Wir sind ein kleines Team, die sich leidenschaftlich für Nachhaltigkeit beim Stricken interessieren. Mit unserem Online Shop, der mit nachhaltig produzierten Garnen, Kurzwaren und Anleitungen bestückt ist, sind wir hier damit du dir einen Kleiderschrank erstellen kannst, der gefüllt ist mit gestrickten Sachen die du liebst und jahrelang tragen kannst.
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