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  • Spring Yarns

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  • Frau Woellfchen's Hand-Dyed Braids

  • John Arbon Appledore Tops

  • All Spinning Fiber

  • Notions & Gifts
  • Katie Green's New "Crafty Sheep" Tea Towel

  • Needle Stoppers & Stitch Markers

  • All Notions & Gifts

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  • Our current Issue 11

  • All Books & Magazines

  • About Us
  • We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.

    With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.

    Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!

    Read more about us here.

  • Our Sustainability Pledge

  • Our Blog

  • Our Podcast

  • The Making Stories Collective

  • Mystery Bags


    Benachrichtigen Sie mich, wenn dieses Produkt verfügbar ist:

    Unsere Mystery Bags werden als Überraschungspaket aus unserem nachhaltigen Garnsortiment zusammengestellt! Sie bestehen aus ganzen Knäueln und enthalten genug Garn für ein komplettes Projekt – mindestens 100g, manche bis zu 300 g.

    Die Mystery Bags gibt es in verschiedenen Ausführungen:

    Colorwork: 2 - 3 verschiedene Garne, super für Colorwork

    Mini Skeins: Jede Menge verschiedene Mini-Knäuel

    Mini Skeins Summer: Jede Menge verschiedene Mini-Knäuel, alle aus Sommergarnen

    Mini Skeins Nylon: Jede Menge verschiedene Mini-Knäuel, enthalten Nylon / Polyamid

    Mini Skeins Superwash: Jede Menge verschiedene Mini-Knäuel, superwash-behandelt

    Sheepy: Wunderbar wollige Garne

    Sock: Fingering-Garngewicht, eignen sich wunderbar zum Sockenstricken

    Summer: Verschiedene Sommergarne

    Bei den meisten Mystery Bags kannst du die Garnstärke und die Farbfamilie auswählen! Die genauen Garne sind eine Überraschung :)

    Garnstärke: Fingering bis Worsted
    Kamm- & Streichgarne (worsted & woollen spun)

    Alle Garne der Mystery Bags sind non-superwash, plastikfrei (kein Nylon!) und werden liebevoll von nachhaltigen Garnunternehmen hergestellt.

    We're always excited to talk yarn and knitting and answer any questions you might have!

    Simply send us an email to or use the chat box at the bottom.

    You can also check out our FAQ page here!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews

    Very happy with the purchase, yarn and colors!

    Monica Freire

    So many interesting things to try! I need to start going through my patterns or find something in one of my newly received Making Stories magazines! 💕

    Katherine Selz
    The wonder of Mystery Bags

    I ordered the Mini skeins in blues and Colourwork fingering in pinks. I particularly loved the mini skeins, which were a wonderful taster pack of beautiful yarns, some of which I had been wanting to try out for some time. A perfect way to do so! I hope you do taster packs in the future.

    Mostly pleased

    HI I was really pleased with the quality of the yarn in all my mystery packages. My only slight disappointment was that in the ‘Fluff” package I was expecting all fluff yarn and 2 of them where not. Other than that hope you will run the mystery packages agin