Wir machen aktuell eine kleine Pause – der Shop ist geöffnet, alle Bestellungen zwischen dem 13.09. und 22.09. werden am 23.09. verschickt!
Wir machen aktuell eine kleine Pause – der Shop ist geöffnet, alle Bestellungen zwischen dem 13.09. und 22.09. werden am 23.09. verschickt!
Wir sind hier, um dir dabei zu helfen, Nachhaltigkeit in jeden Aspekt des Strickens zu integrieren.
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an nicht superwaschbaren, plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du brauchst, um mit deinem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen – und dem übernächsten.
Für einen Kleiderschrank voller Stricksachen, die wir lieben und die wir noch viele Jahre lang tragen möchten!
Wir sind hier, um dir dabei zu helfen, Nachhaltigkeit in jeden Aspekt des Strickens zu integrieren.
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an nicht superwaschbaren, plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du brauchst, um mit deinem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen – und dem übernächsten.
Für einen Kleiderschrank voller Stricksachen, die wir lieben und die wir noch viele Jahre lang tragen möchten!
Mai 22, 2024 3 min lesen.
Hi lovelies! You know how much I adore our 100% non-superwash wool color-changing yarn "Zauberwolle", right? I already knit myself a Pressed Flowers Hat and a Pressed Flowers Cardigan in it, and I can't wait to get the next project on the needles.
I thought it would be really cool to combine Zauberwolle with BC Garn's Semilla Melange, a wonderfully woolly GOTS-certified sport-weight yarn. (I knit the Pressed Flowers Cardigan in this exact combo, and it's a good one.) So imagine my delight when I realized how many colors of Semilla Melange actually work perfectly with the color-changing magic of Zauberwolle!
Without further ado, let me introduce you to a whopping 24 perfect color matches!
Let's start with the fabulous natural shades of Semilla Melange! They look amazing paired with one of the more subdued color-changing cakes of Zauberwolle like "Shadow", and can also let the brighter ones shine:
Next up: Blue! I adore a good, dark blue – it's the perfect canvas for anything, if you ask me! Spice it up with a bit of a contrast, or keep it in the color family with one of Zauberwolle's beautiful blue color-changing cakes.
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Dark Blue with Zauberwolle in Elephant Rally, with Zauberwolle in Autumn Wind, and with Zauberwolle in Stone Washed
If you prefer warmer colors, I got you! Semilla Melange comes in a gorgeous rusty orange as well as a warm chocolate brown, both of which work super well with one of the more autumnal shades of Zauberwolle:
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Rust with Zauberwolle in Chickpea, Semilla Melange in Rust with Zauberwolle in Autumn Wind, Semilla Melange in Chocolate with Zauberwolle in Autumn Wind
Rest assured, we also have a few really wonderful vibrant greens in store for you! Semilla Melange's Apple Green is an ode to spring, while the Forest Green colorway reminds me of a wonderful walk deep in the silent woods. And... on the last photo you get a sneak peek and transition into the next color section already!
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Apple Green with Zauberwolle in Yellow Filter, Woman in the Woods, and Parrot
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Violet with Zauberwolle in Rays of Light, Semilla Melange in Forest Green with Okey-Dokey, and with Woman in the Woods
And last, but certainly not least, we have what might just be my favorite category: the punchy brights! You got a sneak peek of those already up above, and now I present to you: Violet and Bright Pink, paired with their soulmates in Zauberwolle!
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Violet with Woman in the Woods, Moonbar, and Rush Hour
From left to right: Semilla Melange in Bright Pink with A Bed of Fuchsia, Moonbar, and Pink Affaire
I hope you love these color pairings as much as I do! If you are looking for pattern inspiration, head over to our pattern collection for Zauberwolle on Pinterest – and if you'd like some advice on color pairing for Zauberwolle or Semilla Melange, send us an email. And last, but not least: You can get both Zauberwolle and Semilla Melange in our shop!
Kommentare werden vor der Veröffentlichung genehmigt.
Juni 26, 2024 1 min lesen.
Juni 26, 2024 15 min lesen.
Juni 17, 2024 6 min lesen. 2 Kommentare
We've seen dramatic changes in the knitting magazine landscape over the past 12 months: Pom Pom Quarterly ceased publication at the end of 2023, Laine sold the majority of their company to one of the biggest Finnish publishers, and Amirisu first pivoted to books, and now to an online-only media outlet. Multicraftual magazines that often included knitting patterns were equally as affected: Making pivoted to a combined app and monthly membership business model, and Taproot first changed to a preorder model, and then very abruptly closed their business (the website is offline, hence no link).
This has left us standing as one of the very, very few indie knitting magazines in the market.
Wir sind ein entzückendes kleines Team, das sich ganz der Nachhaltigkeit beim Stricken und Spinnen verschrieben hat. Mit unserem Online-Shop voller verantwortungsvoll produzierter Garne, Spinnfasern, Kurzwaren und Strickanleitungen helfen wir dir dabei, eine Garderobe voller Strickwaren zusammenzustellen, die du jahrelang lieben und tragen wirst.
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