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  • 12 Combinations of Bérénice and Semilla Melange I Love

    Mai 22, 2024 2 min lesen.

    Hi my lovelies! When we received our latest restock of BC Garn's Semilla Melange (one of my favorite sustainable budget-friendly yarns - 100% wool, non-superwash, GOTS-certified), I couldn't resist: I had to pull out our box of De Rerum Natura Bérénice, the wonderful fluffy silk-mohair-merino yarn, to see if I could find a few color matches.

    And I did! 12 perfect matches – I couldn't believe it. So naturally, I had to share them with you!

    The Neutrals

    Semilla Melange has a gorgeous range of natural sheepy shades – and I was so delightfully surprised to see how many of them had a match with Bérénice!

    From left to right: Semilla Melange in LightGrey with Bérénice in Crème, Semilla Melange in Stone Grey with Bérénice in Goéland, Semilla Melange in Anthracite with Bérénice in Crépuscule
    From left to right: Semilla Melange in Heather with Bérénice in Avoine, Semilla Melange in Caramel with Bérénice in Chocolat Chaud, Semilla Melange in Chocolate with Bérénice in Cacao

    The Brights

    I adore the beautiful color range of Semilla Melange - no matter whether you prefer a warmer shade, like their rusty red, or a cooler (very hip) shade like Violet, they got you covered! Bérénice has perfect color matches for a lot of them:

    From left to right: Semilla Melange in Violet with Bérénice in Oursin, Semilla Melange in Bright Pink with Bérénice in Tutu, Semilla Melange in Rust with Bérénice in Badiane

    From left to right: Semilla Melange in Apple Green with Bérénice in Fusain, Semilla Melange in Forest Green with Bérénice in Belle Étoile, Semilla Melange in Dark Blue with Bérénice in L'Heure Bleue

    Aren't they gorgeous together? I am already dreaming about what to cast on with them! You can get both Semilla Melange and Bérénice in the shop – and if you have any questions or would like to see alternative color pairings, do let us know!

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