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We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.
With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.
Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.
With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.
Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
Our Sustainability Pledge
Our Blog
Our Podcast
The Making Stories Collective
October 12, 2022 2 min read
Hi lovelies!
I'm back with my promised post about the Collective survey results today! Thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was really lovely to hear from all of you, and it's super helpful in planning the content for the Collective for the next few months.
Without further ado, here are the results:
October 06, 2022 3 min read
Hi lovelies,
Hanna Lisa here with a new update on what you can expect from us here at Making Stories during October!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who answered our survey about what you want to see from us here at the Collective. I'll put a post together about the results next week, so keep an eye on this space!
So without further ado, what's happening this month, now that we're progressing fastly into fall?
September 26, 2022 1 min read
Dear lovely Collective members,
as the first month of the Collective is drawing to a close (THANK YOU!! You absolutely rock!!) and I'm planning out our Collective-exclusive content for the next few months, I would love to ask for your input. After all, I want to create blog posts and videos that you love to read and watch and come back to!
September 13, 2022 3 min read
Hello lovelies,
I've just come back from a weekend at unravel...autumn, filled to the brim with joy. It was exactly what my soul needed. I was there to help and learn from the wonderful people at Garthenor (Jonny & Sally, THANK YOU!), and enjoyed the experience immensely. Take a look:
September 05, 2022 3 min read
Hi lovelies,
Hanna Lisa here with the first real behind-the-scenes blog post for our Collective! I really like having some kind of structure and consistency in place behind our content, and so we'll start every month with a BTS (behind-the-scenes) post about what we'll be working on this month.
Think of it like a mashup of "what the heck does an online yarn shop / publisher actually do" and sneak peeks of exciting things in the pipeline. I hope you like it!
August 30, 2022 2 min read
Dear lovely Collective members,
First of all another big THANK YOU for joining the Making Stories Collective! I'm so, so glad you're here.
And I'm incredibly excited to launch the first early access products for you, our Full Skein & Sweater Quantity levels - Wednesday, August 31, at 9am CEST!
Every Tuesday our newsletter arrives in your inbox, full to the brim with Making Stories goodness. If you would like to join in on the fun, fill in the form below.
As a thank you, we gift you a digital publication of your choice!