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  • We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.

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  • What You Want to See From Us! [Collective Survey Results]

    October 12, 2022 2 min read

    Hi lovelies!

    I'm back with my promised post about the Collective survey results today! Thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was really lovely to hear from all of you, and it's super helpful in planning the content for the Collective for the next few months.

    Without further ado, here are the results:

    All of you are interested in interviews with yarn companies and makers, shortly followed by deep dives into specific areas of our work. Pattern recommendations, knitting tips and tricks and updates on our daily business are also interesting to you! Recommendations not so much, so we'll skip them for now.

    How are we putting these results into action?

    I've already planned two interviews for the next couple months, and a piece about my favorite knitting tips when it comes to colorwork. Early next year, I would love to write a deep dive piece about photoshoots and the photo selection for the magazine as we have our Issue 9 photoshoot coming up! In between those bigger pieces, we'll continue our day-to-day updates.

    As far as content types go, you slightly prefer videos over blog posts. I'm trying to find a way to do at least one of the two interviews I've planned in a video format. We've tried that before, by recording Zoom calls, but with very limited success - the quality just wasn't very good, and then they're not enjoyable to watch. We'll see if I find a better solution!

    When it came to content frequency, you were quite divided - slightly less than half of you would love to see updates every week, a third every other week, and a fifth monthly. I think the compromise here is every other week, which is what I'm going with for right now.

    Some of you also left lovely comments about the Collective - THANK YOU! - and there was mention of a Knit Night. I'd love to offer that at some point! Maybe a celebratory Knit Night for a magazine launch to start with?

    If you have any other ideas or specific knitting things you're struggling with, do let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear about them so I can take them into account when writing / recording!

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    Also in Collective

    A Gentle Check In - 2024 so far, and Thoughts on the Collective
    A Gentle Check In - 2024 so far, and Thoughts on the Collective

    March 18, 2024 4 min read

    Hello my dear Collective members, how have you been? I hope spring has gently arrived, wherever you are, and that you enjoy the first warm sunrays as much as I am, here in Berlin.

    For today's Collective-exclusive blog post, I want to take a look back at 2024 so far – it's been almost three months, and quite a few things have happened. Some of them very much behind the scenes, so I hope you'll enjoy this!

    2024 started with a very unpleasant surprise.

    I remember this so clearly: I was sitting in my office, the second week of January, staring at our printer's invoice for Issue 11 and our bank account – and realizing that we just didn't have enough money in the bank to pay them.

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    A Thank You Gift From Us To You - For Supporting Us in 2023!
    A Thank You Gift From Us To You - For Supporting Us in 2023!

    December 04, 2023 1 min read

    Dear lovely Collective member,

    it's almost time to wrap up the year! In just a few short weeks, I'll be taking a few days off to recharge, and I hope you do the same.

    I want to say a very, very heartfelt thank you for supporting us in 2023. Every single contribution to the Collective helps keep the lights on here at Making Stories, and I deeply appreciate every single one of you. You make this work possible!

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    What goes into creating the Winter Celebration (and Box!)
    What goes into creating the Winter Celebration (and Box!)

    November 13, 2023 4 min read 1 Comment

    Hi lovely Collective members,

    I hope you had a wonderful November so far! I've been leaning heavily into the coziness this fall – lots of evenings snuggled up under my favorite wool blanket on our couch with a candle lit, a soft WIP on my lap, finishing up final seasons of some of our favorite TV shows. (Which, for the most part were disappointing, sigh!)

    As busy as this time of the year is, it also feels a little gentler this year than last. I'm not sure what it is - am I better prepared? (Now I probably jinxed it...) Is life with a four year old easier than with a three year old? (Yes, definitely, if you ask me.) Is it just luck? (I'll take it!)

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