We're closing down on March 31. Until then, all publications are marked down to EUR / USD 5! Thank you so much for (almost) 10 years of being on this journey with us ❤️


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  • Our Favorite Sock Yarns

  • All Yarns

  • Spinning Fiber
  • Frau Woellfchen's Hand-Dyed Braids

  • John Arbon Appledore Tops

  • All Spinning Fiber

  • Notions & Gifts
  • Pajauta Makes Project Bag

  • Needle Stoppers & Stitch Markers

  • All Notions & Gifts

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  • Issue 13 – Preorder & Subscribe

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  • About Us
  • We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.

    With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.

    Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!

  • Our Sustainability Pledge

  • Our Blog

  • Our Podcast

  • The Making Stories Collective

  • Sustainability at Making Stories

    Yarns, Fiber & Notions

    Every single yarn, fiber and notion we carry has been produced with utmost care for this planet and its people. How exactly that’s being done differs from yarn company to yarn company, maker to maker:

    • All of the yarns and fiber we carry is non-superwash and plastic-free, i.e. they don't contain any nylon or other artificial fibers.
    • A good portion of them are GOTS certified, the leading organic certificate in the textile industry.
    • Most of the yarn companies and mills know the flocks and shepherds they source their fleeces from directly, and have built long-standing relationships with them.
    • All are meticulous when it comes to deciding which scouring facilities, spinning mills and dye houses to work with. Most prioritise working with production partners that are close to them in order to cut down on transport emissions. If that is not the case, there’s a really good reason for it, like processing capabilities simply not being present closer to home.
    • For each of our products, you can find all the details on how and where yarns and notions are produced in the respective product listings.

    Making Stories Magazine

    Our magazine is printed by Königsdruck GmbH in Berlin, Germany, on a climate-neutral LED offset printer. (It’s really cool, you can read more about the machine over on the Königsdruck website!)

    We intentionally work with a printer in Berlin to support our local economy. Königsdruck is amazing, not only when it comes to their immense knowledge about print and paper, but they also have a strong focus on raising up the next generation of print enthusiasts, supporting the Berlin economy, and being a really good workplace.

    We’re printing on 100% recycled paper, sourced directly through our printer.

    Shipping & Packaging

    We’re offsetting all our shipping transport emissions completely through DHL / Deutsche Post Green Shipping.

    For our packaging material, we only use recycled cardboard or paper. For our thank you post cards, wrapping paper, flyers and stickers, we’re using grass paper which is even more eco-friendly than traditional “tree” paper.

    Our small yarn cave is located 5 minute walking distance from Hanna Lisa’s home in Berlin. She’s packaging all orders herself, and gets them to her local post office with her cargo bike or, for larger shipping batches, with a car sharing car.

    office, studio & admin

    We get the electricity both in Hanna Lisa’s office as well as in the yarn cave from the Berliner Stadtwerke, our local energy provider, in a 100% renewable energy contract.

    The gas that’s used for heating and hot water comes from Polarstern, Germany’s first ecological gas company, that gets their gas exclusively from European biogas plants.

    Our bank account is with GLS Bank, Germany’s first sustainable and ethical bank, founded in 1974. They follow strict sustainability and equity goals - like gender parity and making sure their portfolio works towards achieving the 1.5° goal -, and have clear no gos when it comes to how they invest: No weapons, no fossile energy sources.