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    Issue 11

    Rows 3, 13, 15 and 17 of the written instructions to the chart are incorrect. Here are the correct row descriptions:

    Row 3 (CC): K1, sl1yo, brp, [(sl1yo, brp) x 6, sl1yo, p1, (sl1yo, brp) x 2] x 2, sl1 wyif, turn

    Row 13 (CC): K1, sl1yo, brp, [sl1yo, brp, sl1yo, p1, (sl1yo, brp) x 7] x 2, sl1 wyif, turn

    Row 15 (CC): K1, sl1yo, brp, [(sl1yo, brp) x 2, sl1yo, p1, (sl1yo, brp) x 6] x 2, sl1 wyif, turn

    Row 17 (CC): K1, sl1yo, brp, [(sl1yo, brp) x 3, sl1yo, p1, (sl1yo, brp) x 5] x 2, sl1 wyif, turn

    Issue 10

    The denomination for the contrasting colors in the chart key is swapped. Here's the correct one:

    CC1 is Anthracite, CC2 is Vanilla. CC1 = the color of the hem, cuffs and geometric colorwork; CC2 = yoke color

    Issue 9

    The charts do not depict the Roosimine stitches correctly. You can download the correct charts here.

    A few of the abbreviations needed for Peony are missing:

    Inc1to5: knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, and knit 1 into the same stitch [4 sts inc]

    TS: through back loop of the stitch (twisted stitch)

    TSK: twin stitch knitwise: insert right-hand needle tip knitwise
    under the front leg of stitch below stitch on the left-hand needle and
    knit it, then place twin stitch on left-hand needle

    TSP: twin stitch purlwise: slip 1 stitch purlwise, insert left-hand
    needle tip into the stitch below the slipped stitch and purl it, then
    slip both stitches back to the left-hand needle

    Issue 7

    The leg instructions for the left sock are missing the stitch count
    for size 2 on N1: "After the last round, p1 from N1 onto N2. [23 (23, 27, 27, 31) sts on N1 and 25 (29, 29, 33, 33) sts on N2]"

    The leg instructions for the right sock are missing a sentence on stitch distribution: "Work Rounds 1-20 of Chart A. After Round 10, purl first st on N1 and transfer it to N2; transfer first st on N2 to N1."

    The Gusset - Part 2 instructions for Size 5 only are incomplete for Short Row 6: "Short Row 6: DS, p until DS, kDS, p1, turn"

    The key is missing the increase & decrease symbols. You can download the correct key here.

    The cable instructions have a sentence too many. Here are the correct instructions:

    Stitch Cabled Lattice (CLS5): for a main colour cable, work all
    instructions with MC yarn, disregarding yarn changes in square brackets:
    [With contrast colour,] knit 2, (turn work, slip 1 stitch, purl 1, turn
    work, slip 1 stitch, knit 1) x 4. Place these two stitches from
    right-hand needle onto a locking stitch marker, hold in front, slip next
    stitch from left-hand needle onto a cable needle, hold in back. Leaving
    a 4 cm / 1.5” loop of working yarn, knit 2 from left-hand needle, (turn
    work, slip 1, purl 1, turn work, slip 1, knit 1) x 3. Then slip 1
    stitch from cable needle onto right-hand needle. Twist strip that is on
    the locking stitch marker over and under the other knit strip (making a
    knot) and place them on the left-hand needle. Slip last 3 sts from
    right-hand needle back to left-hand needle. [Drop contrast colour, and
    with main colour,] knit 2, purl 1, knit 2

    6 Stitch Cabled Lattice Stitch (CLS6): for a main colour cable, work
    all instructions with MC yarn, disregarding yarn changes in square
    brackets: [With contrast colour,] knit 2, (turn work, slip 1 stitch,
    purl 1, turn work, slip 1 stitch, knit 1) x 4. Place these two stitches
    from right-hand needle onto a locking stitch marker, hold in front, slip
    next 2 stitches from left-hand needle onto a cable needle, hold in
    back. Leaving a 4 cm / 1.5” loop of working yarn, knit 2 from left-hand
    needle, (turn work, slip 1, purl 1, turn work, slip 1, knit 1) x 3. Then
    slip 2 stitches from cable needle onto right-hand needle. Twist strip
    that is on the locking stitch marker over and under the other knit strip
    (making a knot) and place them on the left-hand needle. Slip last 4
    stitches from right-hand needle back to left-hand needle. [Drop contrast
    colour, and with main colour,] knit 2, purl 2, knit 2

    Chart B has two incorrect cable stitches (LC / RC instead of LPC /
    RPC). You can download the correct version here.

    Issue 5

    V-Neck Shaping - All Sizes: Size 6 will have completed Row 82, not 80 as mentioned in the magazine.

    Chart Size 2: Row 10, stitch 4 should be a purl stitch, not a twisted knit stitch.

    Chart B & C are the same in the magazine - Chart C is correct, but Chart B is not.

    You can download the correct version of Chart B here.

    In the chart for Sizes 2, 6 & 9, Stitches 13 and 14 in Row 37 should be a 1/1 RPC, not a 1/1 RC.

    Issue 4

    The stitch counts for the lace decreases are incorrect in Row 3. They should read 16 sts rem instead of 17 sts rem.

    The decrease instructions for the longer sleeve version are incorrect. They should read as follows:

    Continue working in stockinette, working Dec Round every 35th (17th,
    11th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 6th) round or every 11.5 (5.75, 3.75, 3, 2.5,
    2.25, 2, 2) cm / 4.5 (2.25, 1.5, 1.25, 1, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75)” a total of 3
    (6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 17) times. [49 (49, 48, 48, 56, 56, 56, 64) sts

    Issue 3

    Rows 4, 5 and 7 of Chart B are incorrect:

    Row 4: Stitch 14 should be a knit stitch, not an s2kp

    Row 5: Stitch 14 should be an s2kp, not a knit stitch

    Row 7: Stitch 11 should be an ssk, not a knit stitch. Stitch 17 should be a k2tog, not a knit stitch.

    The “foot circumference” measurements under “Finished Measurements”
    are incorrect. They should read as follows (and thus be the same as the
    information under “Sizes”):

    Foot circumference: 18 (19, 20.25, 21.25, 22.25) cm / 7 (7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75)”

    2. Rows 8, 16, and 24 of Chart A are incorrect: Stitches 13 / 14 and 17 / 18 should be 1/1 RPTs, not 1/1 RTs.

    Row 7 of the chart is missing an ssk: The first stitch of the row is not a knit stitch, but an ssk.

    Issue 2

    The instruction for switching to the larger needle after the garter
    edge of the yoke is missing (p. 92). It should read: “Work in garter st
    as est in Rounds 1-2 for another 4 rounds. Switch to larger needle.”

    The abbreviation for LLI is missing:


    Pick up the left leg of the stitch two rows/rnds below the stitch
    just worked on right-hand needle and knit it (1 stitch increased).

    The “foot circumference” measurements under “Finished Measurements”
    are incorrect. They should read as follows (and thus be the same as the
    information under “Sizes”):

    Foot circumference: 18.75 (20, 21.25, 22.5, 23.75) cm / 7.5 (7.75, 8.5, 8.75, 9.25)”

    The colorway number on the sample is actually 8C, not 6C.

    Page 76: The abbreviation for 2/2/2 LPC2 is incorrect. Here is what it should read:

    2/2/2 LPC2:

    Cross 2 over 2 over 2 left purl, 2nd variation: slip first two sts
    purlwise onto a cable needle and hold in front of work, slip next two
    sts purlwise onto a cable needle and hold in back of work, purl the next
    two stitches on the left-hand needle, knit the two stitches on the
    cable needle at front and then purl the two stitches on the cable needle
    at back.

    Page 77: The abbreviation for 2/2/2 RPC2 and 2/2/2 RPC3 have the
    wrong variation number; 2/2/2 RPC2 is the 2nd variation, not the 3rd;
    and 2/2/2 RPC3 is the 3rd variation, not the 2nd.

    Issue 1

    One abbreviation is missing from the abbreviation list:

    drp - drop stitch:

    1) With yarn at back, insert right-hand needle into centre of stitch 2
    rows below next stitch, wrap yarn over needle and pull up a stitch [1
    additional stitch on right-hand needle]

    2) Make yarn over [2 stitches on right-hand needle]

    3) Insert right-hand needle into centre of stitch next row below and pull up a stitch [3 stitches on the right-hand needle]

    4) Make yarn over [4 sts on the right-hand needle]

    5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 another 2 times

    6) Repeat step 3 one more time [9 stitches on right-hand needle]

    7) Transfer 9 stitches from right-hand needle to left-hand needle. Be
    sure not to transfer one of the purl stitches worked before.

    8) knit 10 stitches (9 additional sts plus the original stitch) together through the back loop.


    Below schematic illustration, measurements for “E - Total Length” should read: 52.75 (52.75, 53.5, 54.25, 55, 55.75) cm / 20.5 (20.5, 21, 21.25, 21.5, 21.75)“

    p. 100: The instructions for Sleeve shaping mention a different sleeve length than intended. They should read as follows:

    Work in stockinette st without shaping until sleeve meas 43 (43.5,
    44.25, 45, 45.5, 46.25) cm / 16.75 (17, 17.25, 17.5, 17.75, 18)” from
    cast-on edge ending after a WS row.

    p. 129: The instructions for Round 1 of the Shoulder Shaping are incorrect. They should read as follows:

    Round 1: K12 (12, 13, 13, 14, 14) (half of back), pm, p1, k2, k2tog,
    yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2, p1, pm (raglan marker), k2 (sleeve), pm (raglan
    marker), p1, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2, p1, pm, k24 (24, 26, 26,
    28, 28) (front), pm, p1, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2, p1, pm (raglan
    marker), k2 (sleeve), pm (raglan marker), p1, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo,
    ssk, k2, p1, pm, k12 (12, 13, 13, 14, 14) (second half of back)

    p. 129: The instructions for Short Rows 5, 7, 8 and 9 of the Raglan and Neck Shaping are incorrect. They should read as follows:

    Short Row 5 (Inc Row): K to marker, [k to marker, M1R, sm, p1, k9,
    p1, sm, M1L] x 2, sm, [M1R, sm, work Row 1 of Chevron Lace to marker,
    sm, M1L, k to marker] x 2, k to wrapped st, pick up the wrap and work it
    together with the wrapped st, k1, w&t [120 (120, 124, 124, 128,
    128) sts]

    Short Row 7 (Inc Row): K to marker, [k to marker, M1R, sm, p1, k9,
    p1, sm, M1L] x 2, sm, [M1R, sm, work Row 3 of Chevron Lace to marker,
    sm, M1L, k to marker] x 2, k to wrapped st, pick up the wrap and work it
    together with the wrapped st, k1, w&t [128 (128, 132, 132, 136,
    136) sts]

    Short Row 8: P to marker, [sm, k1, p9, k1, sm, p to marker] x 2, [sm,
    p to marker, sm, k1, p1, p2togtbl, yo, p3, yo, p2tog, p1, k1] x 2, sm, p
    to wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and work it together with the
    wrapped st, p1, w&t

    Short Row 9 (Inc Row): K to marker, [k to marker, M1R, sm, p1, k9,
    p1, sm, M1L] x 2, sm, [M1R, sm, work Row 5 of Chevron Lace to marker,
    sm, M1L, k to marker] x 2, knit to wrapped st, pick up the wrap and work
    it together with the wrapped st, k1, w&t [136 (136, 140, 140, 144,
    144) sts]

    Three abbreviations are missing from the abbreviation list:

    3/4 LC: place 3 stitches on cable needle, hold to front, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1; k1tbl, p1, k1tbl from cable needle

    T-yo: twisted yarn over: bring yarn from back over the top of the
    needle (a reverse yarn over) and on the next row purl this stitch
    through the front loop to twist it (1 stitch increased)

    Twisted decrease - right: slip next two stitches from the left-hand
    needle purlwise onto the right-hand needle, slip the 2nd stitch back to
    the left-hand needle by inserting the tip of the left-hand needle from
    right to left to twist it; slip the first stitch back onto the left-hand
    needle and knit the two stitches together (1 stitch decreased)

    p. 115: The pattern only states gauge in brioche stitch. The colourwork stockinette gauge is as follows:

    24.5 sts x 26.5 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4” (in the round, in
    colourwork stockinette stitch, on 4 mm / US 6 needle, after blocking)


    p. 116: The instructions for Short Row 13 in the NECK & RAGLAN
    SHAPING section for all sizes are incomplete. They should read as

    Sizes 1, 2 & 3 only

    Short Row 13: (K to marker, sm, MlL, sm, work Lace Patt, sm, M1R) x
    2, k to marker, sm, M1L, work Lace Patt [140 (140, 140, -, -, -) sts]

    Sizes 4, 5 & 6 only

    Short Row 13: (K to marker, M1L, sm, work Lace Patt , sm, M1R) x 2, k
    to marker, sm, M1L, work Lace Patt [- (-, -, 148, 148, 148) sts]

    p 106: An instruction has been omitted in BACK Armhole Shaping
    Section. Following the instructions for All Sizes Rows 3 and 4 it should

    Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 only: Repeat Rows 3-4 another - (3, 3, 3, 4, 10) times. [- (117, 131, 143, 149, 165) sts]

    All sizes: Row 5 (RS): Sl1 kwise wyib, M1R, p0 (0, 1, 0, 0, 0) sts,
    continue working in pattern until 1 (2, 1, 1, 1) sts rem, p0 (0, 1, 0,
    0, 0) sts, M1L, k1 [109 (119, 133, 145, 151, 167) sts]

    Row 6 (WS): Sl1 pwise wyif, M1R pwise, k0 (0, 2, 0, 0, 1), continue
    working in pattern until 1 (1, 3, 1, 1, 2) sts rem, k0 (0, 2, 0, 0, 1),
    M1L pwise, p1 [111 (121, 135, 147, 153, 169) sts]

    Row 7 (RS): Sl1 kwise wyib, p0 (0, 3, 0, 0, 2), continue working in
    pattern until 1 (0, 4, 1, 0, 3) sts rem, p1 (0, 4, 1, 0, 3), CO 3 (4, 5,
    5, 8, 8) sts [114 (125, 140, 152, 161, 177) sts]

    Row 8 (WS): P2 (1, 2, 2, 2, 2), k2 (0, 7, 4, 1, 9), continue working
    in pattern until 0 (0, 3, 0, 0, 2) sts rem, k0 (0, 3, 0, 0, 2), CO 3 (4,
    5, 5, 8, 8) sts [117 (129, 145, 157, 169, 185) sts]

    p. 107: Charts A, B & C have been updated in the most recent
    digital version of BREEZE (version 2) and Sahel individual pattern
    download. If you have not received this updated version (or if you have
    questions about it) please email

    p. 134: Chart A- Right. One column in this chart is incorrect. For stitch 19, the stitch symbols should read as follows:

    Rows 1-16: purl on RS, knit on WS

    Row 17: k2tog

    Rows 18-20: knit on RS, purl on WS

    Row 21: yo

    Row 22: knit on RS, purl on WS

    Row 23: k2tog

    Rows 24-26: knit on RS, purl on WS

    Row 27: yo

    (the updated version of the chart is available digitally via Ravelry
    both for the collection and for the individual pattern PDF. If you have
    any questions about how to access this please email


    Under section ‘Side Detail’ some of the repeats are incorrectly numbered. They should read as follows:

    Sizes 4, 5 & 6 only

    Row 41: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 7 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 29 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 7 , k1

    Row 43: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 8 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 29 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 8 ,

    Row 45: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 8 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 31 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 8 , k1

    Row 47: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 9 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 31 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 9 ,

    Sizes 5 & 6 only

    Row 49: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 9 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 33 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 9 , k1

    Row 51: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 10 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 33 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 10 ,

    Row 53: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 10 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 35 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 10 , k1

    Row 55: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 11 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 35 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 11 ,

    Size 6 only

    Row 57: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 11 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 37 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 11 , k1

    Row 59: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 12 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 37 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 12 ,

    Row 61: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 12 , k1b, (LCb, p1, LCb, k1b) x 2, p1,
    *k1b, p1* until 1 st beforemarker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until
    marker, sm, *k1b, p1* until last 39 sts, k1b, (RCb, p1, RCb, k1b) x 2,
    p1, (k1b, p1) x 12 , k1

    Row 63: K1, p1, (k1b, p1) x 13 , (LCb, k1b, LCb, p1) x 2, *k1b, p1*
    until 1 st before marker, k1b, sm, work in patt as est until marker, sm,
    *k1b, p1* until last 39 sts, (RCb, k1b, RCb, p1) x 2, (k1b, p1) x 13 ,

    Side detail (continued)

    Row 10 (WS): P1, work in patt as est until marker, sm, work in patt
    as est until marker, sm, work in patt as est until last st, p1

    p. 138: The second needle size given should read 3.5 mm / US 4 instead of US 5.

    p. 115: "On WS rows" in MAIN SECTION should read:

    Work Chart C until first marker, p all sts until second marker, work Chart A between second marker and end of row.

    p. 116, Chart B: Row 25, stitch 28 should be a yarnover.

    p. 120: The stitch counts for size 2 are incorrect. The correct stitch counts are:

    Repeat last 2 rounds until you have – (80, 90, 108, 118, 130) sts
    each for front and back and - (42, 50, 64, 74, 82) sts for each sleeve.
    Note that these st counts do not include the “k1, p1, k1” raglan sts
    between the markers.

    Following that, the total stitch counts given should read: Sizes 1,
    2, 3 & 4 only Note: Begin Chart F with Round 1 for size 1. Next
    Round: Work in 2x2 moss st until marker, sm, work Chart F over next 66
    sts, work in 2x2 moss st until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until
    marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until
    marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm Next Round: Work in 2x2 moss st until marker,
    sm, work Chart F over next 66 sts, work in 2x2 moss st until marker,
    sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until marker,
    sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm Next Round: Work
    in 2x2 moss st until marker, sm, work Chart F over next 66 sts, work in
    2x2 moss st until marker, M1R, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, M1L, k until marker,
    M1R, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, M1L, k until marker, M1R, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm,
    M1L, k until marker, M1R, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm [219 (263, 299, 363, -, -)
    sts] Next Round: M1L, work in 2x2 moss st until marker, sm, work Chart F
    over next 66 sts, work in 2x2 moss st until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm,
    k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm, k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm,
    k until marker, sm, k1, p1, k1, sm [220 (264, 300, 364, -, -) sts]

    p. 108: Size 1 is missing from the size description under Pattern
    Info. The correct description of the sizes under Sizes should read:


    1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

    Finished bust circumference: 89 (97, 108, 118, 129, 140) cm / 35
    (38.25, 42.5, 46.5, 50.75, 55)" - recommended to be worn with 2.5 - 10
    cm / 1-4" of positive ease at the bust.

    p. 111: Chart A and B are wrongly labeled, they should be named
    exactly the other way around: Chart A = Chart B in the pattern text,
    i.e. the yoke chart, and Chart B = Chart A in the pattern text, i.e. the
    hem chart.

    Raglan Shaping, Round 1 should read: (K1, k2tog, k until 3 sts before next marker, ssk, k1, sm) x 4 to increase 8 sts

    Making Stories & Friends Winter 2018

    Hem, Cuffs and Collar are intended to be worked using smaller needle
    (the instructions to use smaller needle are missing from the pattern)

    One abbreviation is missing from the abbreviation list:

    1/2 RPC (1 over 2 right purl cross): slip 1 st purlwise onto a cable
    needle and hold in back of work, knit the next two stitches on the
    left-hand needle and then purl the stitch on the cable needle

    Four abbreviations are missing from the abbreviation list:

    1/1 LPT (WS): slip 1 st purlwise onto cable needle and hold in front
    of work, purl next st on left-hand needle through the back loop, then
    knit st from cable needle

    1/1 LT (WS): slip 1 st purlwise onto cable needle and hold in front
    of work, purl next st on left-hand needle through the back loop, then
    purl st from cable needle through the back loop

    1/1 RPT (WS): slip 1 st purlwise onto cable needle and hold in back
    of work, knit next st on left-hand needle, then purl st from cable
    needle through the back loop

    1/1 RT (WS): slip 1 st purlwise onto cable needle and hold in back of
    work, purl next st onleft-hand needle through the back loop, then purl
    st from cable needle through the back loop

    Instead of Chart C, we’ve mistakenly included a copy of Chart F. You can download Chart C here.

    Set-Up Row & Row 1 (WS) of Sleeve Shaping section are incorrect. They should read as follows:

    Set-Up Row (RS): K1, pm, work Chart D x 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), work
    Chart A, p0 (0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2), work Chart F, p0 (0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2,
    2), work Chart A, work Chart D x 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), pm, k1

    Row 1 (WS): K1, sm, work Chart D x 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), work
    Chart A, k0 (0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2), work Chart F, k0 (0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2,
    2), work Chart A, work Chart D x 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), sm, k1

    The next four Rounds are correct, after which it should read:

    Cont working in Main Stitch pattern as est in Rows 4-5 and repeat Increase Row following appropriate instructions.

    A few instructions are missing at the end of the “Cuff” section:

    Maintaining the selvedge edge (in this design, the first and last st
    of every row) as est, work in 2x2 Rib for 7 cm / 2.75”, ending after a
    RS row.

    Next Row (WS): K all sts

    Two abbreviations are missing from the abbreviation list:

    2/1 LT-p: slip two stitches purlwise onto a cable needle and hold in
    front of work, purl the next stitch on the left-hand needle and then
    knit the two stitches on the cable needle

    2/1 RT-p: slip one stitch purlwise onto a cable needle and hold in
    back of work, knit the next two stitches on the left-hand needle and
    then purl the stitch on the cable needle


    p. 51: The instructions for Rows 47 and 55 of the written
    instructions of Chart B are incorrect. (Note that the chart itself is
    correct.) They should read as follows:

    Row 47: Ssk, (yo, k2tog, k1) x 2, yo, k2tog, k1, yo, k2tog, ssk, yo, k1, (ssk, yo, k1) x 2, ssk, yo, k2tog

    Row 55: Ssk, (yo, k2tog, k1) x 3, yo, k2tog, (ssk, yo, k1) x 3, ssk, yo, k2tog

    p. 57: errata for Chart B is available as a digital update via Ravelry.
    If you have not received this updated version (or if you have questions
    about it) please email

    p. 86: The instructions for Round 5 of the Main Part are incomplete. They should read as follows:

    Round 5: *[Work in twisted rib as est until 5 sts rem before next
    marker, k2tog, p1, k2, sm, p1, M1R (or M1Rp to keep in patt)] x 2, work
    in seed st until 1 st rems before next marker, [M1L (or M1Lp to keep in
    patt), p1, sm, (k2, p1, ssk, work in twisted rib as est until 1 st rems
    before next marker] x 2, M1L (or M1Lp to keep in patt), p1, sm* x 2

    p. 65: The instructions for Right Shoulder are incorrect. They should read as follows:

    Next row (WS): Sl1, p until 2 sts rem, sl2 wyif

    Next row (RS): K all sts

    Socks 2018

    pg 51: Row 1 of the written instructions for the Foot chart should have a k3tog tbl and not an sssk, to align with the chart.

    pg 51: The notes on the charts for the Foot should read:

    Note: For Size 1, only work sts 2-28 from the chart. For Size 2, only work sts 1-29 from the chart.

    Note: For Size 3, work only sts 2-32 from the chart. For Size 4, work sts 1-33 from the chart.