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We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.
With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.
Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.
With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.
Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
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The Making Stories Collective
October 28, 2024 8 min read
About three weeks ago, I had surgery. Nothing major, and it was planned - but it was my first time undergoing general anaesthesia and facing an uncertain recovery period, both of which made me quite nervous. I knew that I was going to be in the hospital for two days, if everything went well, but then it was between one and three weeks of recovering at home, depending on how fast my body was going to heal.
Needless to say, I packed knitting for the hospital, but I didn’t feel like picking up my needles until my second day in the hospital. And then I knit. I knit, and knit, and knit. Curiously enough, I always get the urge to clear off my needles this time of the year - something about the weather changing, sweater season approaching, maybe? And this year, this urge coincided with me wanting to do something while watching copious amounts of Netflix without having to think very hard about what I was going to knit. Win win!
February 14, 2024 4 min read
Hi lovelies! I kind of completely dropped the ball on putting FO posts out there, but as you all very kindly let me know through our "what do you want to read on the blog" survey, you actually really like them, so we have some catching up to do!
We're starting with two FOs that have actually quite recently only been finished – if by recently we mean the end of 2023. They're both from Issue 10, and were both a delight to knit!
October 18, 2023 3 min read
Hi lovelies! To celebrate that Holst Garn Supersoft, an absolute rockstar when it comes to texture and colorwork, is back in the shop, we thought it would be fun to do a "Team Picks" pattern roundup!
Each one of us picked a pattern they'd love to knit with Holst Garn Supersoft and the colorways they'd make it in.
Ready? Here we go!
June 13, 2023 7 min read
Hi lovelies! What is that, two FO blog posts back to back? It seems I'm on a roll - a roll to knit (and finish!) summer tees, apparently.
Today, I'd love to introduce you to the latest member of my summer wardrobe: My new Grassland Tee!
Grassland is designed by Susan Schädler, and was originally published in our Issue 6. (It's now available as an individual PDF too!)
It's - like my last FO, the Blossom T-Shirt - a drop-shoulder short-sleeved tee, but with a dramatically different construction and look. Let's get into it!
May 30, 2023 6 min read
Hi lovelies! I'm back today with a look at one of my latest FOs which has quickly become an absolute favorite in my wardrobe: My Blossom T-Shirt!
Blossom is a pattern from our latest Issue 9, designed by Ayano Tanaka. It's a short-sleeved, drop-shoulder tee with a cropped, boxy shape and a really sweet V-neck.
I fell in love with it when I first saw Ayano's submission, and I am so glad that I made this tee - it kickstarted my roll of knitting on summer shirts, was delightful to knit and is a joy to wear.
May 03, 2023 3 min read
Hello lovelies,
You know how much I adore a good pattern inspo blog post, and so imagine my delight when I got to play with Pinterest again today! We have a brand-new Pinterest board filled to the brim with knitting pattern ideas for linen yarns, and I couldn't resist pulling out five that I think make great early summer wardrobe staples.
All of these are relatively quick to knit up, so if you haven't started on your summer knitting yet, don't fret - there's still time!
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