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Dein Warenkorb ist leer

  • Unsere liebsten Sockengarne

  • Alle Garne

  • Spinning Fiber
  • Frau Woellfchens handgefärbte Kammzüge

  • John Arbon Appledore-Kammzüge

  • Alle Spinnfasern

  • Notions & Gifts
  • Pajauta Makes Projekttaschen

  • Nadelstopper & Maschenmarkierer

  • Alle Kurzwaren

  • Books, Magazines & Patterns
  • Ausgabe 13 – Vorbestellung & Abo

  • Alle Bücher & Magazine

  • Über uns
  • Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du für dein nächstes Projekt brauchst - und für das übernächste... Auf eine Garderobe aus Strickwaren, die wir lieben und die wir jahrelang tragen wollen!

  • Unser Nachhaltigkeitsversprechen

  • Unser Blog

  • Unser Podcast

  • Das Making Stories-Collective

  • Making Stories Collective

    Monthly (€5,00 per month)

    Unser Making Stories Collective ist da, hurra! Mit dieser monatlichen Mitgliedschaft kannst du...

    ... unsere Arbeit unterstützen,

    ... einen dauerhaften Discount für unseren Shop bekommen,

    ... als erste*r Zugang zu Shop Updates erhalten,

    ... an unserer monatlichen Collective Knit Night teilnehmen,

    ... den nur für das Collective zugänglichen Blog legen,

    ... deinen Namen in unserem Magazin abgedruckt sehen,

    ... und für jedes volle Jahr, in dem du Mitglied bist, ein Geschenk erwarten.

    Wir bieten drei Mitgliedschaftsstufen an:

    • Mini-Knäuel
    • Ganzes Knäuel
    • Pullover-Projekt

    Wir können es kaum erwarten, dich in unserem Collective willkommen zu heißen!

    Our Collective Levels:

    What our members say about the Collective:


    "I initially joined the 'Making Stories Collective' because I wanted to
    support an ethical, sustainable business, with the hope that many more people will be able to shop this way in the future.

    I always look forward to the monthly knit nights, but I think my favourite perk is the early access to new stock deliveries. I love being able to get my hands on beautiful yarn in the my first choice of colourway!"


    "I love feeling connected to other knitters around the world. Knit
    gives me the opportunity to spend a relaxed hour sharing this
    passion for knitting
    that unites us despite the miles."


    "Being part of the Collective has many perks (early access, Collective
    Knit Night, discounts...), but what I like most is knowing that I can
    support the efforts that Hanna Lisa and her team are taking on

    It was through Making Stories Magazine that I learned to align my values pertaining to the environment with my knitting.

    And, of course, the yarn and pattern choices!! It's a treat to get early access to what the shop has to offer. FYI: Winter Celebration box is not to be missed!"


    "I really enjoy the collective because it gives me access to the virtual knit nights which take place on the second Tuesday of the month. I am a passionate knitter and I love talking about knitting with others who feel the same way. 

    We take an active interest in each others projects and discuss in detail various yarns and their qualities.  At the same time, we do not shy away from more personal issues if a member wishes to talk about. I look forward very much to these evening sessions."

    Why are we doing the collective?

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Yvonne Czech

    Making Stories Collective

    Monica Freire
    Lovely Notions and Accessories!

    Off course I always love receiving yarn from Making Stories and the color changing yarn is so soft and beautiful- I can’t wait to cast on! Also, this time, I ordered project bags and the pottery mugs. Both are so nice and shipped well without incident and I am having tea in my mug tonight while starting projects with my new yarn. Thank you Hanna Lisa and the team!

    Helen Eatherton

    Great selection of carefully chosen projects which will be wardrobe staples

    Florence Rolland
    Support Making Stories

    If you love the magazine, support Making Stories and join the collective.

    Questions about the Collective?