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  • Day 5

    Dezember 05, 2023 2 min lesen. 3 Kommentare

    Can you believe that we're already half-way through the Winter Celebration?

    It always goes by so fast!

    After the treats for our bellies and ears these past couple days, today's treat is for the heart. I love reading (a lot of you know that), and I grew up in a home where there were always books around. Quite a few of them were poetry – my dad is a huge fan – but for some reason, I could never really get into the rhythm of reading poetry.

    This has changed over the last few years, and so I thought it would be fun to share a favorite winter poem of mine with you today.

    White-Eyes by Mary Oliver

    In winter
        all the singing is in
             the tops of the trees
                 where the wind-bird
    with its white eyes
        shoves and pushes
             among the branches.
                 Like any of us
    he wants to go to sleep,
        but he's restless—
             he has an idea,
                 and slowly it unfolds
    from under his beating wings
        as long as he stays awake.
             But his big, round music, after all,
                 is too breathy to last.
    So, it's over.
        In the pine-crown
             he makes his nest,
                 he's done all he can.
    I don't know the name of this bird,
        I only imagine his glittering beak
             tucked in a white wing
                 while the clouds—
    which he has summoned
        from the north—
             which he has taught
                 to be mild, and silent—
    thicken, and begin to fall
        into the world below
             like stars, or the feathers
                   of some unimaginable bird
    that loves us,
        that is asleep now, and silent—
             that has turned itself
                 into snow.

    3 Antworten


    Dezember 06, 2023

    That is so beautiful, thank you for sharing this

    Joanne Reynolds
    Joanne Reynolds

    Dezember 06, 2023

    It is a lovely poem!
    It doesn’t snow much here in eastern North Carolina but this poem reminds me of still, quiet nights in northern Ohio when the moon is bright and making the snow sparkle.

    Karen Hager Martinez
    Karen Hager Martinez

    Dezember 05, 2023

    Oh, that is lovely – thank you!

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