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Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du für dein nächstes Projekt brauchst - und für das übernächste... Auf eine Garderobe aus Strickwaren, die wir lieben und die wir jahrelang tragen wollen!
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du für dein nächstes Projekt brauchst - und für das übernächste... Auf eine Garderobe aus Strickwaren, die wir lieben und die wir jahrelang tragen wollen!
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November 13, 2023 1 min lesen. 7 Kommentare
Hi lovelies!
I hope you are well, and making a dent in your gift knitting (if you are gift knitting this year, that is!)
I am back here today with something a little different: A question for you.
Over the course of the last year, I took over writing most of our blog posts again, and while I love it very much, I also noticed that I tend to gravitate towards posts that I like to read – pattern inspiration posts, FO roundups, that sort of thing. Which is very much a deviation from where we originally started which was with lots of in-depth advice on knitting ("How to get gauge" is still an all-time favorite post!) and insights into how sustainable yarns are made.
I would love to get back to those topics in the next year, but as those posts require more time to research and write, I want to make sure that that is also what you want to read.
So, today, I'd love to know: What do you want to read on the blog? Comment down below with one topic or knitting-related question that you have on your mind right now – I want to hear all of them!
November 21, 2023
I like a mix but as someone posted earlier also things like a yarn review with pattern links plus it’s pros and cons. Articles such as tips and tricks for knitting socks with no nylon yarn but also wips and FO’s are nice to see too.
November 21, 2023
I always love reading about new patterns and the yarns you carry, but what drew me to you initially was your very useful information on sustainability and what that means in terms of yarns. So anything you can share with us on the issue of sustainability would be very much appreciated because you do it so well.
November 21, 2023
I like posts where you highlight a yarn and give links to patterns where it has been used.
November 21, 2023
Was ich gerne in Blogs lese:
- Portraits von neuen oder besonderen Garnen (mit mehr Hintergrund zu Zusammensetzung, besonders geeignet für…)
- neue Strickanleitungen, die ich sonst vielleicht übersehe…
- Tipps und Tricks zu verschiedenen Stricktechniken aller Art, von “how to get gauge” über “welcher Bind off ist für was geeignet” bis zu “welche Zunahmen sind für was geeignet”
November 21, 2023
Both in depth topics and pattern/yarn discussion is ok with me
November 21, 2023
Was ich gerne in Blogs lese:
- Portraits von neuen oder besonderen Garnen (mit mehr Hintergrund zu Zusammensetzung, besonders geeignet für…)
- neue Strickanleitungen, die ich sonst vielleicht übersehe…
- Tipps und Tricks zu verschiedenen Stricktechniken aller Art, von “how to get gauge” über “welcher Bind off ist für was geeignet” bis zu “welche Zunahmen sind für was geeignet”
Kommentare werden vor der Veröffentlichung genehmigt.
Februar 12, 2025 13 min lesen.
Hi lovelies! The sun is out here in Berlin, and what better day to talk about one of the most joyful issues we've ever done than a brilliant sunny winter day – meet Issue 13, Confetti & Rainbows!
In Issue 13 – our Spring 2025 Issue – we want to play! Confetti and rainbows, unusually and unconventionally interpreted in 12 new knitwear designs – a journey through color, shapes, texture and materials.
Confetti made out of dried flowers, collected over months from bouquets and the road side. Sparkly rainbows, light reflecting. Gentle textures and shapes, echoing the different forms confetti can take. An unexpected rainbow around the corner, on a brick wall, painted in broad strokes.
Januar 16, 2025 4 min lesen. 1 Kommentar
Hi lovelies! I am back today with a wonderful behind-the-scenes interview with Caroline Frett, a super talented illustrator from Berlin, who is the heart and and hands behind the new look we've been sporting for a little while.
Caro also has a shop for her delightfully cheeky and (sometimes brutally) honest T-Shirts, postcards, and mugs. (I am particularly fond of this T-Shirt and this postcard!)
I am so excited Caro agreed to an interview to share her thoughts and work process, and what she especially loves about our rebrand!
November 19, 2024 12 min lesen. 1 Kommentar
Wir sind ein kleines Team, die sich leidenschaftlich für Nachhaltigkeit beim Stricken interessieren. Mit unserem Online Shop, der mit nachhaltig produzierten Garnen, Kurzwaren und Anleitungen bestückt ist, sind wir hier damit du dir einen Kleiderschrank erstellen kannst, der gefüllt ist mit gestrickten Sachen die du liebst und jahrelang tragen kannst.
Abonniere unseren wöchentlichen Newsletter und bekomme die aktuellsten Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Inspirationen!
Maureen Lewicki
Dezember 20, 2023
Posts about specific sheep breeds would be interesting, and other animal fibers💕