Wir machen aktuell eine kleine Pause – der Shop ist geöffnet, alle Bestellungen zwischen dem 13.09. und 22.09. werden am 23.09. verschickt!
Wir machen aktuell eine kleine Pause – der Shop ist geöffnet, alle Bestellungen zwischen dem 13.09. und 22.09. werden am 23.09. verschickt!
Wir sind hier, um dir dabei zu helfen, Nachhaltigkeit in jeden Aspekt des Strickens zu integrieren.
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an nicht superwaschbaren, plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du brauchst, um mit deinem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen – und dem übernächsten.
Für einen Kleiderschrank voller Stricksachen, die wir lieben und die wir noch viele Jahre lang tragen möchten!
Wir sind hier, um dir dabei zu helfen, Nachhaltigkeit in jeden Aspekt des Strickens zu integrieren.
Mit unserer sorgfältig zusammengestellten Auswahl an nicht superwaschbaren, plastikfreien Garnen und Zubehör haben wir alles, was du brauchst, um mit deinem nächsten Projekt zu beginnen – und dem übernächsten.
Für einen Kleiderschrank voller Stricksachen, die wir lieben und die wir noch viele Jahre lang tragen möchten!
Juni 27, 2023 2 min lesen.
Hi lovelies! I'm back this week with one of my favorite types of blog posts – a favorite patterns post! I dug deep into the archives for this one as I wanted to combine our current sale (5 EUR for print copies of our back issues and books!) with my desire for more, more, more summer tops and tees in my wardrobe.
The funny thing? I set out to pick patterns from all the publications we still have in print, and ended up picking three from one: BREEZE. Oh well!
I paired them with some of my favorite shades of summer yarns - and one of them (can you guess which one?) is waiting to jump on my needles right now:
Solène's Piteraq Top is the tank top of my dreams: Well-fitting at the underarm, broad straps, a strong geometric lace panel on one side of the body. Solène originally designed it in a silk-blend yarn, but I think it would look just as lovely in De Rerum Natura's Antigone!
Hellébore, one of their nine new shades, is an almost-perfect match to the sample color. So beautiful! Depending on the size you choose, you need 3 (3, 4, 4, 4, 4) balls of Antigone.
Sadly, my dear friend Am doesn't design anymore - when she still did, she always came around with the most intricate, yet wearable designs possible! Sahel is no exception to this - a super popular silhouette, combined with delicate-yet-striking chevrons. Fantastic!
Wooldreamers' Saona, their new cotton / wool blend, would be a great fit for this pattern. The colorway Sarichef echoes the soft taupe tones of our original sample. Depending on the size you choose, you need 3 (4, 4, 4, 5, 5) balls of Saona.
Last, but very certainly not least, one of my all-time favorite T-Shirt patterns we've ever published! Rebekka Mauser's Marin is a drop-shoulder tee with subtle texture, a just-deep-enough V-neck and a delightful two-colored i-cord for the finishing touch.
Again, Antigone would be perfect for this! Graphite, a new dark grey, is super similar to our original sample. Écume (another new color) would be great as a contrasting color for the i-cord. That being said, you only need a tiny amount of it, so if you have a contrasting color in your stash that you think works well, by all means, use that! Or just omit the contrasting color and do a one-color i-cord.
Depending on the size you choose, you need 3 (3, 3, 4, 4, 5) balls of the main color and 1 ball of the contrasting color.
Kommentare werden vor der Veröffentlichung genehmigt.
Juni 26, 2024 1 min lesen.
Juni 26, 2024 15 min lesen.
Juni 17, 2024 6 min lesen. 2 Kommentare
We've seen dramatic changes in the knitting magazine landscape over the past 12 months: Pom Pom Quarterly ceased publication at the end of 2023, Laine sold the majority of their company to one of the biggest Finnish publishers, and Amirisu first pivoted to books, and now to an online-only media outlet. Multicraftual magazines that often included knitting patterns were equally as affected: Making pivoted to a combined app and monthly membership business model, and Taproot first changed to a preorder model, and then very abruptly closed their business (the website is offline, hence no link).
This has left us standing as one of the very, very few indie knitting magazines in the market.
Wir sind ein entzückendes kleines Team, das sich ganz der Nachhaltigkeit beim Stricken und Spinnen verschrieben hat. Mit unserem Online-Shop voller verantwortungsvoll produzierter Garne, Spinnfasern, Kurzwaren und Strickanleitungen helfen wir dir dabei, eine Garderobe voller Strickwaren zusammenzustellen, die du jahrelang lieben und tragen wirst.
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