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Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
We're here to help you stitch sustainability into every aspect of your making.
With our carefully curated selection of non-superwash, plastic-free yarns and notions, we have everything you need to get started on your next project - and the one after that.
Here's to a wardrobe of knits we love and want to wear for years to come!
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The Making Stories Collective
December 03, 2022 1 min read 2 Comments
Hello lovelies, and welcome to Day 3 of the Winter Celebration! Have you established your own little ritual yet? Mine includes a cup of hot chocolate or tea and, if there are still some around, a cookie. Which brings me to today's gift: My dear friend Jule - you might know her as the fantastic dyer behind woollentwine - shares one of her favorite cookie recipes with us today! I particularly love them because they're great for using up those egg-whites that somehow are always left over from other cookie recipes. Do let me know in the comments below if you've tried the Nußküßchen - Hazelnut Kisses!
I am so, so in love with today's gift from the Winter Celebration Box. It embodies my wish for you in this intense season - a minute, a moment for yourself, breathing in the steam of a fresh cup of tea, reading a page or two in a beloved book. Nadine from Herzflimmern has quickly become on of my all-time favorite illustrators and photographers. Her work captures the magic of the day-to-day, in a lovely, slightly moody way. I'm keeping my print close to my work desk as a reminder to spend some time with myself every day.
December 03, 2022
Today’s entry really makes me wish my box had arrived. DHL tracking is still showing my package stuck in NY airport. Can you try again to have it investigated? Thanks.
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We're a delightfully tiny team dedicated to all things sustainability in knitting. With our online shop filled with responsibly produced yarns, notions and patterns we're here to help you create a wardrobe filled with knits you'll love and wear for years to come.
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Hanna Lisa
December 08, 2022
Hi Marybeth, absolutely! I’ll ask Elsa to look into it! Hanna Lisa x