We're thrilled to be working with these fantastic yarn companies that share our ethos of producing natural, sustainable yarns in a transparent and ethical way.
They support the work that we do by providing yarn support for our publications or by taking us on as one of their yarn stockists - and in some cases, both!
If you’re interested in becoming a Making Stories yarn partner, please get in touch with us via our contact form.
Abundant Earth Fiber, abundantearthfiber.com
Annabel Williams, annabelwilliams.co.uk
BC Garn, bcgarn.dk
Biches & Bûches, bichesetbuches.com
Black Isle Yarns, blackisleyarns.co.uk
Blacker Yarns, blackeryarns.co.uk
Bouclelaine, bouclelaine.fr
Brooklyn Tweed, brooklyntweed.com
byLaxtons, bylaxtons.co.uk
Cambrian Wool, cambrianwool.co.uk
De Rerum Natura, dererumnatura.fr
Echoview Fiber Mill (discontinued)
El Robledal de la Santa, elrobledaldelasanta.shopify.com
Erika Knight, erikaknight.co.uk
Ewethful Fiber Farm, ewethfulfiberfarm.com
Fleece & Harmony, fleeceandharmony.com
Frida Fuchs, fridafuchs.com
G-uld, g-uld.dk
Garthenor Organic, garthenor.com
Gepard Garn, gepardgarn.dk
Ginger Twist Studio, gingertwiststudio.com
Great Ocean Road Woollen Mill, gorwm.com.au
Green Mountain Spinnery, spinnery.com
Greta and the Fibers (discontinued)
Hey Mama Wolf, heymamawolf.de
Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk, hifa.no
Holst Garn, holstgarn.dk
Hudson + West Co, hudsonandwestco.com
Isager, isagerstrik.dk
Isle Yarns (discontinued)
Jamieson & Smith, shetlandwoolbrokers.co.uk
John Arbon Textiles, jarbon.com
Kelbourne Woolens, kelbournewoolens.com
Knitting for Olive, knittingforolive.dk
Krea Deluxe, kreadeluxe.com
L'Échappée Laine (discontinued)
La Bien Aimée, labienaimee.com
Lana Rara, lanarara.com
Lanivendole, lanivendole.com
Life in the Long Grass, litlg.com
Lino Mūka, wollen-berlin.de
Magasin Duett (discontinued)
Maison Corlène, maisoncorlene.com
Maison Septembre, maisonseptembre.com
Marina Skua, marinaskua.com
Moel View Yarn, moelviewyarn.com
Mominoki Yarn, mominokiyarn.com
mYak, myak.it
Nature's Luxury, naturesluxury.com
Neighborhood Fiber Co., neighborhoodfiberco.com
O-Wool (discontinued)
Ovis Et Cetera, ovisetcetera.com
Oysters and Purls, oystersandpurls.com
Pascuali, pascuali.de
Ritual Dyes, ritualdyes.com
Rosa Pomar, retrosaria.rosapomar.com
Rosemary & Pines Fiber Arts, rosemaryandpinesfiberarts.de
Rosy Green Wool, rosygreenwool.com
Sherwood Yarn, sherwoodyarn.com
Soc Una Troca, socunatroca.cat
South Downs Yarn, southdownsyarn.co.uk
Stolen Stitches, stolenstitches.com
Swans Island, swansislandcompany.com
The Fibre Co., thefibreco.com
The Grey Sheep Co., thegreysheepco.co.uk
Tukuwool, tukuwool.com
Tulliver Yarn, tulliver.de
Uist Wool, uistwool.com
Vänö Ull, kera.fi
Walcot Yarns, walcotyarns.com
Whistlebare, whistlebare.com
Wild Earth Yarns, wildearthyarns.co.nz
Wing And A Prayer Farm, USA, wingandaprayerfarm.com
Wool Up North (discontinued)
Wool & Palette, woolandpalette.com
woollenflower, woollenflower.com
woollentwine, woollentwine.com
Woolly Mammoth Fibre Co., woollymammothfibrecompany.com
Xolla Wool, xollawool.com
YOTH Yarns, toltyarnandwool.com/collections/vendors?q=YOTH